Blockchain & Yoga

Blockchain & Yoga


Before I unleash my own thoughts about blockchain, here are some of my favorite beginner friendly links.

  • Article: The Ultimate, 3,500 word, plain English guide to blockchain
    • This article takes you under the hood on how blockchain enables us to control our own data and still have a universal source of truth
  • PodCast: Nick Szabo on the Tim Ferris Show
    • Long, winding and interesting. Great for a road trip.
  • Documentary: Banking On Bitcoin (Netflix link)
    • This focuses only on bitcoin, but is entertaining. FYI: Bitcoin ≠ Blockchain
  • Starter Investment Platform: Coinbase
    • First off only put in what you would be comfortable losing. Second, understand what you’re buying and why you’re buying it. Third, what to buy, when to buy, and when to sell is the billion dollar question. Many have opinions, no one knows. This is absolutely not investment advice, but if you want to dip your toes into the water, the Coinbase app is the easiest way to get started.


Here is my favorite YouTube Yoga class. I’ve honestly done it 300+ times. It’s particularly good if you’ve done a few Bikram classes in a studio, and therefore already know how to do these poses. That way you can use it more as an audio rather than video track.  Between this, body weight exercises and running, I now no longer spend money on fitness memberships 🙂

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