The Buddha & The Hustler

The Buddha & The Hustler

The Buddha Hustler Line

We’re all born buddhas, not hustlers.

We have a beginners mind. Open and receptive to all things. No judgement, just pure wonder.

However, the hustler begins to grow quickly once we learn we must ‘hustle’ to get what we want. The boob, the toys, the friends, the boobs, the grades, the job, the money. **Ding** The Money — that’s what drives the hustler, and that’s not a bad thing.

The buddha is beautiful, but he’s left behind in the real world. Tip too far toward the buddha (like I did – living free out of a van playing music) and you’ll lose your place.

Tip too far toward the hustler (like I am – grinding hard at a startup that’s grown 600% in the last year) and you’ll lose your soul.

You can remove yourself from the world and go live in a monastery or dive right in and win at all costs as the Wolf of Wall Street, but me, I’m striving to find balance.

To be joyous, relaxed, and content while also fighting the necessary battle to get ahead in the modern world.  I’m trying to grow into my higher self. To sit at the pinnacle between the two points. Between The Buddha and The Hustler.

The Hustlin Buddha Triangle


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