Author: MarkS

Blockchain & Yoga

OnChain: Before I unleash my own thoughts about blockchain, here are some of my favorite beginner friendly links. Article: The Ultimate, 3,500 word, plain English guide to blockchain This article takes you under the hood on how blockchain enables us to control our own data and still have a universal source of truth PodCast: Nick Szabo…
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New Job

I got a job and I like it a lot. Weird. I found ConsenSys, when I was deep in a Wikipedia rabbit hole learning about Ethereum and blockchain technology. The company is completely remote and “flat” – meaning no one has a boss and you don’t have to go into an office. You’re basically just…
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Can You Learn To Sing Online

I sang, but I never considered myself a singer. The reason I sang is because I’m a guitarist and songwriter – so who else was going to sing my songs?  I was skeptical you could learn to sing in the same way you could learn to play the guitar. You were either born a good singer, or you weren’t.…
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