Author: MarkS

Fake News

Ext. A beach town reminiscent of Puerto Rico. A female reporter faces the camera, mic in hand. REPORTER How would it feel to turn 1 thousand dollars, into 1 million dollars? Even better, how would it feel to do that before the age of 30? That’s exactly what local resident Derek Feign did this last…
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Hustling Buddhas

To create a better world we need to create more happy people. A core component of happiness is a lifestyle that is inspired, sustainable, and free. Our mission is to present systems that enable people to succeed at life on their own terms. Check out our offerings below and please sign up for our community…
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Forcing Polish

Publishing these posts, even though I don’t publicize them, still places them in the World Wild Web. So even on days when I don’t feel like writing, the fact that you could be reading forces me to craft and polish a piece of work.      

The Human Race

Ext. Trail Race. Participants of all shapes, sizes, and species appear at the starting line. THE ELDER RABBIT Go! The cheetah sprints ahead. The antelope gallops right. The elephant plods left. The bird flies up. The gopher digs down. The human turns around and asks… HUMAN Where’s the finish line? The human is all alone,…
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The Next Step

If you Google your symptoms, you may find you have hypochondria.  I don’t know if anyone ever died from hypochondria, but it’s sure wasted a lot of life. To cure hypochondria, unplug your modem, take a walk outside, and look at some ants. Ants don’t worry about getting stepped on. They go about their lives…
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To-Do: Blog Pep-Talk

Lately this blog has been feeling like a “to-do,” an annoying thing I have to get out of the way as opposed to a creation that makes me feel better once I complete it. I want to drop it, but I never stick to anything. So even though I don’t tell anyone it exists –…
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Men’s Groups

He knew he’d gone soft once he started joining men’s groups. At first it was simple things, like online forums where guys would pass around job leads and the occasional piece of advice.  Then some local meetups, next a few weekend getaways. Now he’d leave his wife and kids for weeklong camps, where guys would…
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Hungover: The Potion in The Pit

He wanted to be a hero, but he lacked a special potion. Luckily, there was a potion in the pit and a potion on the hill. The pit seemed easier, so he tied one end of the rope to a tree stump and the other end of the rope to his ankle and lowered himself…
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The Buddha & The Hustler

We’re all born buddhas, not hustlers. We have a beginners mind. Open and receptive to all things. No judgement, just pure wonder. However, the hustler begins to grow quickly once we learn we must ‘hustle’ to get what we want. The boob, the toys, the friends, the boobs, the grades, the job, the money. **Ding**…
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Funny Papers

Ext. Dawn. A Funny Papers quietly hits the front door. Title Screen: Funny Papers Int. Sunrise. Like every morning, the computer calls – wake up! wake up! Our protagonist stumbles over and shuts off the alarm. The computer immediately switches over to an inbox of 193 unread, URGENT emails. Coffee slides into her hand. As…
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